时间 TIME:2024/04
客户 BRAND:小红书
Brief:RED Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Program. Problem:The gameplay of hiding and finding things is just a way to essentially encourage the “outdoorsy crowd” to find the benefits of the outdoors and nature. Solution:While everyone knows the benefits of the outdoors and nature, we all overlook the things we take for granted. So we don’t say that nature is good, and we don’t force people to find things in nature, but we just remind people that nature is an existence that has a lot of treasures that I don’t remember.
时间 TIME:2024/04
客户 BRAND:小红书
Brief:RED Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Program. Problem:The gameplay of hiding and finding things is just a way to essentially encourage the “outdoorsy crowd” to find the benefits of the outdoors and nature. Solution:While everyone knows the benefits of the outdoors and nature, we all overlook the things we take for granted. So we don’t say that nature is good, and we don’t force people to find things in nature, but we just remind people that nature is an existence that has a lot of treasures that I don’t remember.